Explanation of Ratings

Each review and summary will have two sets of ratings. One set will be how much I enjoyed the story, the other set will be how I rate the plot/piece of writing. Along with each set of ratings will be a short explanation of why I rated it that way.

My ratings will be out of ten, since that seems to be the easiest way to note subtle differences.

Plot/Piece of Writing
10- Masterpiece
09- Great
08- Very Good
07- Good
06- Fine
05- Average
04- Below Average
03- Bad
02- Very Bad
01- Horrible

Anything with a rating of 7 or higher on this scale I would recommend.

10- Loved it!!!
09- Awesome!
08- Great
07- Very Good
06- Good
05- Fine
04- It was okay...
03- Lame
02- Sucked.
01- Hated It!

Anything with a rating of 6 or higher from the enjoyment scale I would recommend, even if it was was rated lower than a 7 on the plot/writing style scale.